
I am not sure what this evolution of the site is going to be. I’ve been feeling the need to send my voice into the abyss that is the internet though, so check back later and maybe you’ll find something interesting – or maybe not – it will be a surprise.

  • Necessary

    Is this site necessary? No, probably not, but I keep it. Heck, I’ve even got other domains, none of which are doing much but they do exist. Why? Because I like to have options. Because a little part of my brain thinks I’ll maybe need them later, though it doesn’t know for what purpose.

    I noticed recently that this site no longer connects to Instagram to show my latest posts. It isn’t a huge deal since there aren’t many posts to see, but it is irritating to find the plugin not working. Especially when I don’t have the patience to mess around trying to fix it.

    Though I don’t have the patience for much of anything lately it seems.
    Perhaps there have been too many changes in the past few months and I’m feeling off-kilter, or maybe we only have a finite amount of patience in life and mine is almost drained. Either way, I seem to find myself on the verge of snapping at people or just in general.

    So is this necessary, no, but I do find it helpful to type out my thoughts and throw them into the ether, which means it serves a purpose.

  • So Long 2024

    Shall we start with the usual?

    How is the year over? How is 2025 just hours away? How does time go by so fast?

    It has been a weird year all around, which if you’ve been following along, you know. I think, in truth, we all can agree it has been numerous weird years in a row.

    Will 2025 be better? I doubt anyone could say with certainty, on a global scale it is all a bit terrifying. A scale that is hard to comprehend from our perspective. Which makes it all the more unnerving.

    Instead, we focus on our own little lives since that is where we have a smidgen of control. Though it hasn’t felt that way for me for a while.

    So what does that mean for my 2025? Will there be big changes? At my age there seems to be fewer of those available – work, life, it all starts to feel pretty set.

    I did choose to switch jobs, a huge change for me. (It is still early days, but I’m hoping it is going well. Some days I think it is, others less so.)

    Life? I do not foresee changes. I’m not going to pretend I’ll get healthier just because January rolled around again (frankly I’ll probably become less healthy, some one find me some cake!). I don’t think I’ll start any new hobbies. I’d like to be less stressed, though it is kind of my personality so that would be weird if I wasn’t.

    At the end of the year, I guess we’ll just keep doing what we’re doing and hoping for the best. The sun rises and sets, at least that is something lovely to see.

  • November 2024

    It has been a long month.

    I spent the first half trying to exit my old job, we went back and forth a bit with them trying to keep me on staff but in the end I just had to walk away.

    In the latter half, I was overwhelmed and exhausted by the new job. It includes a longer commute (nothing really, but it changes your day when you have to add that time) and, frankly, an insane amount of paper, er, information to take in. My brain is trying to learn all new things at a fast pace, and by the end of two weeks, I am honestly wondering if I have made a poor choice in taking this new job.

    I know this change is something I’ll get used to, and I’ll learn what I need to as time goes on, but after being in the same job for 20 years, I was very comfortable in my knowledge, and my job was, if not easy, straightforward.

    As well as having to learn all this new information I also have to hang out with all new people, which may be more exhausting than the work itself. I’m an introvert at heart, and while I can extrovert when necessary, it drains so much energy. The combination of these factors is leaving me feeling fatigued by the end of the day and completely burned out by the end of the week. I’m looking forward to a time when things start to feel easy again but I fear that may take a while.

    Is it too late to start my life over again as the heir to some immense generational wealth?