Is it time?

I will freely admit that I am not an overly optimistic person. Yes, deep down in the depths of my soul I hope the world will get its shit together, but overall I tend to see the darker side of things.

I just worry that our world has advanced too far in some ways and yet nowhere near far enough in others, which has led to these current times are dark days.

They are like the opening to a post apocalyptic novel. Brink of war! Pandemic! Climate crisis!

I keep waiting to see the news article explaining how massive bunkers have been built underground and everyone under 15 is going into them so that on the surface we can hit a massive rest button on the planet.

EMP, some terraforming and when the bunker opens to let them out they can all start again.

Of course we won’t provide them with any history of the world beyond a vague idea of ‘the older generations fucked up’. The older ones will remember some, but with any luck, after a couple years taking care of the younger ones underground they won’t recall too much detail.

I’m also open to plot lines involving massive asteroids or aliens who are just done with our shit. There will be no parallel worlds or time travel though, we know that just keeps making more issues.

For now I will be over here looking at cute animals and lovely landscape photography, while avoiding the terrifying news feeds. You know, while waiting for any ideas anyone might have on how to fix the world.

Agree? Disagree? Let's chat!