This has been an absolutely exhausting month (on top of a year of irritating months).
It started with my being disappointed by someone who I thought was a better person than they turned out to be. They took a multi-year professional relationship and made a number of decisions leading to its destruction, while also making me feel like I had completely misplaced my respect and loyalty towards them.
The silver lining I am trying to focus on (it doesn’t always work) is that this week I started what I hope will be a new and exciting employment position. I am working alongside some friends who I haven’t worked with for years plus have access to a larger team to share the stress that is often found in the accounting world (which was one of the issues I was dealing with most of this last year – a lack of support during stressful times – see my post from May).
Overall I am ready for 2023 to be over but if nothing else I’d like the rest of the year to be the start of an upswing in life.