Tag: #Work

  • November 2024

    It has been a long month. I spent the first half trying to exit my old job, we went back and forth a bit with them trying to keep me on staff but in the end I just had to walk away. In the latter half, I was overwhelmed and exhausted by the new job.…

  • October 2024

    I am getting really bad at remembering to post at the end of each month. Perhaps because general life stress is keeping me preoccupied or perhaps because not all that much is worth writing about. I think October passed me by so quickly because there were added stressors, elections (here in BC, though the one…

  • November 2023

    This has been an absolutely exhausting month (on top of a year of irritating months). It started with my being disappointed by someone who I thought was a better person than they turned out to be. They took a multi-year professional relationship and made a number of decisions leading to its destruction, while also making…

  • Happy Hallowe’en

    October has been another crazy month, in an already chaotic year. I’m just waiting for this year to be over to hopefully start the next one with a fresh outlook since there are some changes happening starting in November which I’m hoping are for the best.

  • Tuesday

    Did you tell Tuesday what I said about Monday? Are you sure? Because it sure acted like it wanted some extra attention today. I hope it didn’t let the rest of them know, I was really looking forward to a short week. Filled with the stress of month end, during the start of tax season.…