Is this site necessary? No, probably not, but I keep it. Heck, I’ve even got other domains, none of which are doing much but they do exist. Why? Because I like to have options. Because a little part of my brain thinks I’ll maybe need them later, though it doesn’t know for what purpose. I…
I have tried to write a post this month on numerous occasions. I open the window, stare at the blank page, get distracted by something, try to refocus, stare some more at the screen but eventually abandon the effort closing the window. Is it because I don’t have anything to say? No. I could probably…
Just Another Tuesday
I’m bored. With what you may ask? With everything I would answer. You would think, that is not possible, there is so much in the universe, how could one possibly get bored of everything? It’s like this, once you are a little bored with one thing, you start to become bored with all the other…
This photo is like a visualization of my feelings this month. Vascilating between Grrr and Meh in equal measure. Work stresses, exhaustion and just some ennui have meant that for this month and most of the previous twelve or so (not sure how many but assume a lot) I’ve been generally ranty or miserable company.…
Shared Abyss
Whenever I sit down to write something here I always start questioning why I want to write something, if I am feeling obligated or if I have something to say. I wonder if I should write something general or personal, mundane or exciting, who will read it and if that should somehow inform my choices.…
Dear Diary,
Er, Internet? Tomorrow is June 30th. Another six months of another year gone. <Insert comment on time having no meaning>. It has been so long since I’ve written. (Isn’t that just how the diary entries go, bizarrely conversational as if writing inane letters to your future self about the mundanity of your current life.) I’ve…
Well, once again time has managed to just disappear. I was thinking ‘oh, I should write a post, it’s been a couple days’, then I checked and it’s actually been five days. I lost a whole work week. Lost, isn’t the right word, I worked the whole work week, which is what you’re supposed to…
Maybe, Maybe Not
I’ve decided it’s okay if I don’t post every day. I am going to try but right now there is too much happening with work and life that I don’t want to feel bad for not being able to come up with content. I feel like I should have things to say and I probably…
My Repeating Annoyances
I am sure we all have a list like this, the things that no matter how many times they happen, we never learn our lesson or seem to be able to avoid falling prey to their irritation. Laundry will be done and in need of folding exactly when I want to just crawl into bed.…
New Mechanisms
The past few years have been, well shitty, for many of us. One way or another the pandemic has affected our lives, added another layer of stress to what, for many, was already too much. I definitely have felt like more than one layer has been laid upon my life. Getting older comes with a…