Author: Likalia

  • Return To Routine

    The worst part of time off work is when it comes to an end. When you have to go back to your old routines and you have to turn your morning alarms back on. During my time off I love being able to wake up naturally, rolling over in bed noting the time then cozying…

  • Energy Inflation

    Unproductive. It is a word that can feel like it’s nagging you. It floats around in your head telling you that you haven’t accomplished things, that you should be finding better ways to spend your time, generally making you feel like you are wasting your potential. Even though we’ve had it reasserted over and over…

  • Happy New Year

  • Seven Things

    I obsess. Sometimes about little things: the organization of k-cups; the positions of light switches; parking alignment. It is annoying, but it is also just the way my brain works. I obsess. Sometimes about big things: my life, work, finances and health; family and friend’s health and wellbeing; humanity’s foibles. It is worrying, but it…

  • Peek Behind The Scenes

  • Year 43: Day One

    I think it got away from me in the middle, but you’ll get the gist. If not you probably don’t need to hang about. 😉

  • Version (?)

    Yup, I’ve reset everything here once again. There have been many iterations of this site. Mostly due to the fact that I have the best of intentions, which get scuttled by the rest of my life. It is hard to find the energy to write prose to grab the mind of whoever might pass by…