Shall we start with the usual?
How is the year over? How is 2025 just hours away? How does time go by so fast?
It has been a weird year all around, which if you’ve been following along, you know. I think, in truth, we all can agree it has been numerous weird years in a row.
Will 2025 be better? I doubt anyone could say with certainty, on a global scale it is all a bit terrifying. A scale that is hard to comprehend from our perspective. Which makes it all the more unnerving.
Instead, we focus on our own little lives since that is where we have a smidgen of control. Though it hasn’t felt that way for me for a while.
So what does that mean for my 2025? Will there be big changes? At my age there seems to be fewer of those available – work, life, it all starts to feel pretty set.
I did choose to switch jobs, a huge change for me. (It is still early days, but I’m hoping it is going well. Some days I think it is, others less so.)
Life? I do not foresee changes. I’m not going to pretend I’ll get healthier just because January rolled around again (frankly I’ll probably become less healthy, some one find me some cake!). I don’t think I’ll start any new hobbies. I’d like to be less stressed, though it is kind of my personality so that would be weird if I wasn’t.
At the end of the year, I guess we’ll just keep doing what we’re doing and hoping for the best. The sun rises and sets, at least that is something lovely to see.