Tag: #Tired

  • ZzzZzz

    Sleeping in tomorrow… Sleeping in tomorrow…* Sleeping in all weekend… Sleeping in all LONG weekend…* 😴 *said in sing-songy voice

  • Bugs

    Last night, actually very early this morning I had a one of those vivid dreams that occurs right before you are about to wake up. Do you have those? I often find those dreams that happen when I half wake and realize I have time before my alarm goes off to snooze a bit more,…

  • Wind Down

    This is the exceedingly exhausting part of my year. From mid January to some time in the June (if I’m lucky – last two years not so much) work is 200% all the time. Deadlines are around every corner. Clients are on every phone call or email. Did I drink any? Did I go to…

  • Allergies

    This topic has been coming up a lot. My allergies, today we dealt with puppy allergies for added fun. My own allergies have always been seasonal but I think as I’m getting older I’m developing new food related ones. I am not pleased eating is hard for me anyway, most vegetables make my mouth start…

  • Friday Night Feeling

  • Bed

    Lately, when I crawl into bed at night I find myself thinking: Didn’t I just wake up? An entire workday has passed and I know I’m exhausted but still, it feels like I should be staying up longer as if there is more to do. It may be the lack of accomplishment I feel during…

  • Zzzz

    Just toss a blanket over me, I’m too tired to get to bed and it seems very far away at the moment.

  • Ummm…

    I think I’m going to require more February, did anyone happen to pick up extra this year? It was on the list… Maybe someone stored some away just in case? No? Did you check at the back? Well, maybe we could use some leftover November, no one seems to need all of that month. It…