Tag: #Thoughts

  • Emotion Or Passion

    In conversation with friends this evening I was talking about my counseling and my one friend asked if I ever got emotional during the sessions. I wasn’t sure how to answer at first, so I tried to get clarification. Did they mean talking about emotional issues? Nope, they meant, did I ever cry during the…

  • Review: 4 out of 5 Stars*

    This morning, as I do on most mornings, I was standing in my local coffee shop waiting for my order to be prepared and chatting with the staff. The owner came in staring at their mobile phone with a bit of a perplexed look on their face. When they noticed us looking at them, they…

  • July Is Over

    I was dreading July this year. It would mark a year since my step-father’s death. I wasn’t sure how anyone would handle it. I knew there wouldn’t be a big fuss made but sometimes anniversaries can hit harder than you expect. Maybe it was because there always seemed to be some minor issue happening but…

  • Dear Diary,

    Er, Internet? Tomorrow is June 30th. Another six months of another year gone. <Insert comment on time having no meaning>. It has been so long since I’ve written. (Isn’t that just how the diary entries go, bizarrely conversational as if writing inane letters to your future self about the mundanity of your current life.) I’ve…

  • How To Have A Nervous Breakdown

    Step one: take your entire life and just throw it into a blender. Step two: pretend like everything is totally fine while moving closer and closer to the edge. Step three: … Actually, I don’t know – how do you have a nervous breakdown? Is there a guide? Am I supposed to do certain things…

  • The Bunny

    Don’t trust the Bunny, look at that face! Clearly Bunny is hiding something. Those flowers are not organic & Bunny may try to stab you with a carrot when you aren’t looking!* *yeah, I am crazy and it’s only Wednesday

  • Green

    Envy is a strange emotion. Like any emotion it can get you into trouble if you aren’t careful. Some people live in the land of envy, I’m sure you’ve met one or two of these people before. They see everyone around them as a source of their deficiencies, almost as if they think everyone else’s…

  • Oddities

    We all have strange little habits, ones that we don’t always notice but then when we do, have us asking: Am I the only person who does this? For instance I am conditioned to be polite. I’ll be alone in a room and burp/sneeze/whatever, then excuse myself, to no one (or maybe just to the…

  • Buzzing Brain

    My head is noisy at the best of times. Work noise, life noise, worry noise, pointless noise. If I’m lucky I can quiet it down for a bit. Distract it with music, TV, a book, even an interesting file at work. If I’m not so lucky my brain starts swirling about from thought to thought.…

  • Current Questions – Part II

    February? Already? Is tax season going to kill me this year? How long is my arm going to hurt? (Worth it, being vaccinated & boosted is cool! But still ow. 😕) Did I drink enough water today? Is this headache going to go away? Can I magically find the time & energy to accomplish my…